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gender justice

Female Australian Christian leaders unite to advocate on justice issues

An ecumenical group of female leaders from Australia are in the capital Canberra to advocate for justice and care for the world’s poor.

26 September 2018

Bishop steers marriage registration Bill through Parliamentary process

Bishop Alan Smith of St Albans becomes first C of E bishop in 20 years to steer legislation through House of Lords in Britain’s Parliament.

24 July 2018

Bishop begins bid to change law on marriage registration in England and Wales

A Church of England bishop is promoting a Bill to allow the names of couples mothers to be included in the official registers of marriages.

26 January 2018

Gender justice on agenda as Anglican Women’s Network meet in London

The steering group for the International Anglican Women’s Network met last week to discuss issues facing women throughout the world.

23 October 2017

Nordic faith communities expand faith-based gender justice network

An international network of faith-based organisations committing to working together to fight for gender justice is continuing to expand.

16 November 2016