A new educational resource to help Anglican theological colleges, seminaries and training programmes teach about just relationships between males and females is being developed by the International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN). An international theological working group, drawing members from across the Communion, met in Limuru, Kenya, last week, to work on the study materials, “God’s Justice: Just relationships between women and men, girls and boys”.
The group had been convened by the IAWN “when it was recognised that the training, formation and equipping of church leaders and ministers in aspects of gender justice are essential as they prepare to show and tell the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Sacrament and Word and in the lives they live,” the IAWN said in a communiqué following the meeting.
The materials will be offered “as a component or module which can ‘stand-alone’ or be incorporated into existing curricula and training schemes for women and men who are preparing for ministry, lay or ordained, or who are continuing to develop their ministerial education”, the communiqué said. “Contributions to the study materials have been made by theologians from different contexts in the Communion. Their reflections invite critique and conversation in the context of engaged and respectful theological communities.”
The theological working group finalised a draft of the study materials, which will be presented to the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC-17) when it meets in Hong Kong next month.
- Click here to download the IAWN communiqué in English
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- Haga clic aquí para descargar el comunicado de IAWN en español.