The Nippon Sei Ko Kei, the Anglican Communion in Japan, is to ordain Maria Grace Tazu Sasamori as Bishop of Hokkaido, on 23rd April.
22 April 2022
The role of faith-based communities in achieving gender equality in the context of climate justice is recognised at the United Nations.
13 April 2022
A delegation of women from across the Communion are set to highlight climate justice at the UN Commission on the Status of Women
23 February 2022
Maria Grace Tazu Sasamori, priest of the Diocese of Tokyo, has been elected as the first female Bishop in Japan and South East Asia.
07 December 2021
Anglican Communion plans viral video campaign for 30th annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (25 Nov to 10 Dec).
22 July 2021
Christian leaders in South Sudan join forces in statement to mark the International Day for Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict.
18 June 2021
Anglicans in Kenya recently donated sanitary and hygiene supplies to police service gender desks for survivors of sexual violence.
10 May 2021
Joint Anglican Communion and Mothers’ Union webinar has been selected as parallel event for the Commission on the Status of Women.
12 March 2021
The work to facilitate and resource Anglican Churches around the world in the fight for gender justice will continue in the new look ACO.
09 February 2021
As “16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence” drew to a close, churches expressed prayerful determination to keep carrying the message.
14 December 2020