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News Stories


Role of youth in family life highlighted at International Anglican Family Network Central Africa consultation

Young adults from Lusaka helped a consultation on families in Central Africa to “revisit our thinking about the place of young people”.

19 October 2018

Anglican bishop welcomes Pope Francis’ visit to the World Meeting of Families in Ireland

Bishop Kenneth Kearon has written to Roman Catholic bishops who dioceses overlap with his, to welcome Pope Francis’ visit to Ireland.

15 August 2018

Bishop steers marriage registration Bill through Parliamentary process

Bishop Alan Smith of St Albans becomes first C of E bishop in 20 years to steer legislation through House of Lords in Britain’s Parliament.

24 July 2018

Christian families show love to Chile’s most vulnerable children through temporary shelter

Churches in Chile are working together to create a network of host families to help provide temporary shelter for vulnerable children.

02 May 2018

Bishop begins bid to change law on marriage registration in England and Wales

A Church of England bishop is promoting a Bill to allow the names of couples mothers to be included in the official registers of marriages.

26 January 2018

Irish churches look ahead to visit by Pope Francis with plea to protect families

Irish Church leaders issue call to protect vulnerable families from hardship ahead of Pope Francis’s visit for the World Meeting of Families.

02 January 2018

Webinar to discuss Churches’ global birth registration campaign

The World Council of Churches will hold an online seminar next Monday – World Children’s Day – on the global campaign for birth registration.

16 November 2017

Canadian Anglicans step up fight against human trafficking

The Anglican Church of Canada is taking another step forward in its fight against human trafficking and modern slavery with a new discernment group.

01 August 2017

Vibrant youth work spreading discipleship in Katanga Diocese, DRC

“It is a great honour to let you know that the youth department supervises about 6000 young people who actively participate in the growth of discipleship in the Anglican diocese of Katanga, within the Province of Congo, writes Raphael Mukendi, the diocesan youth co-ordinator.

20 July 2017

Celebrating every child: healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy

The Revd Gabriel Anyiko Owino is an Anglican priest in Siaya County, Kenya. He has combined a faith approach with family planning information and has been encouraging couples to think about safe spacing of pregnancies so that every birth can be a healthy event for mother and baby, and every child is celebrated. Here, he writes about his experience.

19 July 2017