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News Stories


US priest rallies support for displaced Iraqi Christians

It took just one pivotal conversation for the Revd Chris Bishop to feel a powerful calling to travel to northern Iraq as an unofficial Episcopal ambassador to displaced Christians.

19 December 2016

Churches host video hustings ahead of Welsh elections

Over recent years, churches in the UK have increasingly hosted husting events ahead of local and general elections; but the churches of Wales have now gone one step further, and produced a set of videos in which party representatives are interviewed by church representatives.

04 March 2016

Now is our time to go into the world to share the good news of God and Jesus Christ

The new Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church in America, the Most Revd Michael Curry, has used a video message to encourage church members to go into the world, telling them to be “agents and instruments of God’s reconciliation.”

04 November 2015

USA: Episcopal convention looks to take home the Five Marks of Mission

Deputies and bishops unpack Anglican Communion mission marks, discuss ways to them into action

01 July 2015

Video: Archbishop of Canterbury addresses the WCC General Assembly

"When we are not at peace with God through Jesus Christ we cannot be peacemakers in the world," Archbishop Welby told the 10th Assembley of the World Council of Churches.

01 November 2013