A former Vice Chair of the Anglican Consultative Council is one of 33 recipients of Lambeth Awards, presented by the Archbishop of Canterbury this week.
23 June 2023
Anglicans from Caribbean islands have been taking part in a training workshop in Grenada to help them prepare and plan for disasters.
15 March 2019
Tributes have been paid to the Bishop of Tamale, Jacob Ayeebo, who died this week in the office of his diocese’s development agency.
15 February 2019
Résumé des nouvelles hebdomadaires de l’Agence d’information de la Communion anglicane, le vendredi 21 septembre 2018
21 September 2018
Resumen semanal de noticias del Servicio de Noticias de la Comunión Anglicana a viernes 21 de septiembre de 2018
21 September 2018
The death toll from Typhoon Mangkhut in the Philippines has risen to 74 – but officials warn that the final figure could be much higher.
18 September 2018
Anglican Church of Burundi is helping train farmers to improve rice yields as part of efforts to combat food insecurity in the country.
15 May 2018
Bishop Rafael Morales had led the Diocese of Puerto Rico a mere two months when Hurricane Maria devastated the island in September.
09 January 2018
The US-based Episcopal Relief & Development agency is responding to major wildfires sweeping across Southern California.
13 December 2017
Clergy in Sri Lanka have been urged to prepare their churches and church halls to provide refuge for people displaced by serious flooding.
31 May 2017