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Australia: Archbishops reject television changes

Posted on: February 27, 2015 4:08 PM
Related Categories: Abp Freier, Adelaide, Australia

From the Diocese of Adelaide

Two Anglican Archbishops have spoken out strongly against proposed major changes to free to air television classification timings.

The Primate of Australia, Archbishop Philip Freier of Melbourne, and Archbishop Jeffrey Driver of Adelaide are concerned about the effect the changes will have on children and families.

The proposed changes would bring forward by 90 minutes to 7.30pm mature-aged material including violence, sexual content and advertising for alcohol, gambling and M-rated movies. PG-rated material would also be allowed across all channels all day.

Archbishops Driver and Freier say the proposals put the interests of huge companies before the well-being of vulnerable children.

“It is unrealistic to think that adults can always be present when children are watching television in the home,” they say.

They are also concerned at the proposed abandonment of consumer advice on classifications and the ability to make complaints by telephone.

They encourage those concerned to provide feedback before the deadline of Friday 3rd April 2015. To read the revised code in full and make a submission, go to