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Church of England’s “Anglican Communion” service

The national weekly online worship service from the Church of England on Sunday 15 November is themed around the Anglican Communion. Join in from 9 am GMT.

13 November 2020 | YouTube | Open media

ACNS: The Anglican Communion and the United Nations - UN Day 2020

To mark UN Day 2020 (24 October) and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, the Anglican Communion's Permanent Representative to the UN, Jack Palmer-White, spoke to the Anglican Communion News Service.

16 October 2020 | YouTube | Open media

“Thy Kingdom Come” – a service for the Anglican Communion

“Thy Kingdom Come” – a service for the Anglican Communion

29 May 2020 | YouTube | Open media

A service for Anglican Communion Sunday (24 May)

A special service for Anglican Communion Sunday

23 May 2020 | YouTube | Open media

A service for the 6th Sunday of Easter 2020 (17 May) by the Anglican Communion Office

As many provinces have suspended public worship, the Anglican Communion Office has put together this Service of the Word for the Sixth Sunday of Easter.

16 May 2020 | YouTube | Open media